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  • About us
  • Hírek
  • Tudásmenedzsment

What makes us special?

Our goal is to create value for our clients with our services. Meanwhile, we create a workplace where you feel good and can develop at every stage of your career.

Are you full of ambition? Are you an expert in your field or do you want to become one? Do you want to perform excellently in a supportive, encouraging community?

At Grant Thornton, you can develop while finding challenges in your work every day. Within our international network, there is always a new sector or market to learn about, a client group to work with, or even a service to learn more about. We help you acquire the skills needed for development with personal guidance, training, and a diverse client portfolio. Our team consists of young and experienced colleagues working together because we believe that this interaction leads to better solutions.

What makes us different?

We strive to balance private life and work – and with us, you can truly achieve this. We have no problem adapting if you need to get to training, meet your friends, pick up the kids from school, or take them to swimming. Work-life balance is more than just a trendy motto for us. We are a team – we welcome you to a workplace that works for everyone. Our philosophy is that if you feel good in every aspect at the company, it forms a solid base for long-term, successful professional cooperation! If you want to learn or develop, seek challenges, you will always find opportunities with us. If you want to gain experience abroad after a while, we will support you with the cooperation of our partner offices.

Our values, the foundation of our corporate culture

Grant Thornton’s global values are summarized in the acronym CLEARR. This forms the basis of all our activities.

  • Collaboration: We ask for help when needed, support our colleagues, and work closely together.
  • Leadership: We encourage each other to bring out the best in ourselves.
  • Excellence: We strive for excellence, never resting on our laurels.
  • Agility: Our approach is flexible, and we embrace change.
  • Respect: We listen to each other, show understanding, and build trust with each other and our clients.
  • Responsibility: We take responsibility for our actions.

Develop at your own pace

Respect, responsibility, and flexibility are fundamental elements of our culture. And this does not end at our office door. We highly value these principles in our lives outside of work as well. Here you can experience a work environment where the management’s door is always open to employees. We are all at different stages of our careers and personal lives. Therefore, we give you the opportunity to develop at your own pace. This might mean extra training for some, while for others, flexible scheduling will help them thrive in their professional life.

One thing is certain: if you work when you are at your best, you will achieve better results.

We offer world-class expertise

With more than 76,000 employees in over 156 countries, we are the world’s sixth-largest audit and advisory network. The full expertise of our international team is at your disposal to offer the best quality to your clients while building your own career.

Whistleblowing system

Grant Thornton Hungary is committed to ensuring fair and transparent operations for all our employees, partners, and clients. In line with the 2023 Act XXV on the rules related to whistleblowing, we have established the Whistleblowing System, where anyone can anonymously report any potential irregularities, abuses, or unethical behavior.

What cases can be reported?

The system allows for the reporting of the following:

  • Suspected fraud, corruption
  • Violations of ethical rules
  • Labor law abuses
  • Environmental and safety irregularities

How to report?

Reports can be made in the following ways:

All reports are treated confidentially, and the identity of the reporter is fully protected. We strive to thoroughly investigate all reports and take appropriate action if necessary.

Why is whistleblowing important?

Whistleblowing helps maintain a fair and safe work environment and ensures that our company complies with legal and ethical standards. Thank you for your cooperation and support!