In order for an organisation to successfully meet sustainability expectations, and thus ensure a key element of long-term business success, it is worth integrating ESG thinking into existing operational processes. Successful integration will ensure that sustainability is not a burden but an additional means of efficiency and value creation.

Support in the setting up of an internal ESG organisation

In addition to process improvement, in a large corporate environment it may be necessary to set up a sustainability organisation tailored to the needs of the organisation or to allocate well-defined ESG tasks.
Building a sustainability organisation entails more than just appointing a sustainability officer: with the involving of all relevant departments concerned (e.g. HR, Procurement, Compliance, Legal, Quality Management, IT Security, Business Areas, etc.), the processes and the environment needs to be created where the sustainability approach and the fulfilment of ESG-related obligations can most effectively operate in line with the company’s objectives.

In the framework of the service, based on the organisation’s current operating model, we propose changes to the company’s culture, and support acceptance by management and integration.

Additional benefits of an appropriate operating model include:

Improved stakeholder relations: ESG issues are becoming increasingly important to stakeholders, including employees, investors, customers, and staff. The right operating structure can help managers and staff to better understand and respond to ESG expectations, improving the reputation and goodwill of the organisation.

Long-term sustainability: ESG initiatives are critical to the long-term effectiveness of the organisation. Integration can help embed ESG principles into the culture of the organisation, ensuring that these values are passed on to future generations of employees and stakeholders as well. This can create a lasting legacy of sustainable and responsible business practices.

Increased employee engagement: the involvement of a wide range of employees in ESG initiatives can increase employee engagement and satisfaction. This can lead to more motivated and engaged employees who invest in improving the performance of the organisation.

Enhanced innovation: a sustainability approach encourages initiative and collaboration, fostering the development of an organisational culture that values different perspectives and experiences. This can also result in more innovative approaches and better results in the company’s other activities.