Economic operators often find it difficult to comply with the ever-changing tax and accounting rules, not to mention the challenges faced by local finance and accounting managers confronted with internationally standardised corporate government systems in company groups that are not or only partially compliant with local regulations, or shared accounting service centres operating abroad without Hungarian experts.
A quick and cost-effective solution to these short- or long-term difficulties is our Tax compliance service package, in the framework of which we take over some or all of our clients’ tax-related tasks, in order to ensure that they can meet their tax return and payment obligations on time and in compliance with the relevant legal requirements.
Why should you choose our Tax compliance service?
The outsourcing of taxation tasks is always custom-tailored to the specific needs of our clients. We work with our clients to establish a division of labour for the tax administration process, on the basis of which, after the necessary data and documents have been provided, we prepare, as well as submit to the competent tax authority, calculations, analyses, and returns for the following tax categories, among others:
- corporate income tax (TAO),
- small business tax (KIVA),
- local business tax (HIPA),
- innovation contribution,
- value-added tax (VAT),
- environmental product charge (KVTD),
- environmental load fee,
- excise tax,
- public health tax (NETA),
- tax liabilities on benefits in kind,
- rehabilitation contribution,
- vocational training contribution,
- company car tax,
- KSH (Central Statistical Office) data and Intrastat reports.
The company group may also require the proportionate part of the annual tax liabilities (e.g. TAO, HIPA) to be posted in the books at each monthly closing. In this case, the preparation of these calculations and accounting postings is also part of our service.
Our outsourced tax compliance service does not only include the preparation of calculations and returns.
The experts of our tax team are at the disposal of our clients to answer their tax and accounting questions, and provide tax consultancy to address any tax risks identified during the calculations. The main advantage of outsourcing, in addition to cost-effectiveness, is the strong emphasis on reliable IT support, whereby we continuously keep abreast with new technological solutions.
We also assist our clients with the provision of continuous, customised personalised information on changes in tax and accounting regulations.
Related Services
LBT compliance
Our service also identifies any items that may have been overlooked in the LBT calculation that could reduce the tax base.
CIT and KIVA compliance
One of the tasks requiring the greatest professional care at the end of the year is the preparation of the CIT and, on the basis of their decision, the KIVA return.