The professionals employed by companies usually only encounter the calculation of local business tax (LBT) and the filing of the related tax return once a year, and therefore, the review or even complete preparation of the LBT tax return by an external tax expert can greatly help and facilitate their work.
To whom do we recommend our LBT compliance service?
We offer our services primarily to businesses that, as a result of their operations, face the following situations:
- they claim a significant amount of tax-base-reducing item with a view to intermediated services, subcontractor’s performance or R&D activities;
- they have to split their local business tax base between several municipalities,
- they carry out significant commercial activities with their affiliates,
- their actual LBT liability will be substantially lower than the advance tax paid, and they will therefore claim a substantial tax refund, or
- in order to avoid possible penalties from the tax authorities, they wish to have their LBT returns reviewed or prepared and even filed by an expert with the appropriate knowledge and experience.
Why choose our LBT compliance service?
- We review the LBT calculation and the general ledger statement provided to us in the framework of the checking of the tax return, as well as the analytical records and the documents supporting certain tax base reduction items, primarily based on a risk analysis sample (but in some cases even on an item-by-item basis).
- In the framework of our service, we identify any tax-base-reducing items that may have been overlooked in the LBT calculation.
- We pay particular attention to identifying such tax-base-reducing items that can be effectively claimed from the cost of goods sold (COGS) and the value of intermediated services, depending on the amount of net sales.
- We determine whether the value of subcontractor performances and intermediated services were properly documented, i.e., whether the client is really entitled to a deduction of these from the LBT tax base.
- If the activities include research and development (R&D), we review compliance with the statutory requirements.
- During our review, we my test whether the affiliated parties have deviated from the arm’s length price range in their intra-group transactions, and – in justified cases – determine the amount of the necessary tax base adjustment.
- We draw your attention to the available tax deductions.
- A key part of our service is the accurate determination of the division of the tax base between municipalities.
- We can assist not only in finalising the LBT calculations but also in completing the related tax returns.
- We can also undertake the entire LBT calculation, including the completion of the LBT tax returns and the filing of them.
- During the consultations, it is of course also possible to raise further tax issues.