Financial due diligence

The due diligence service we provide helps organisations to thoroughly assess the financial risks and opportunities of a potential investment or acquisition.

Our team of experienced advisers has a deep understanding of financial due diligence principles, offering a thorough and reliable risk assessment. This provides a clear and comprehensive view of the target company’s financial and business position.

Why choose our financial due diligence service?

Our financial due diligence aims to assess the target company’s current and historical financial performance to identify contingent and future liabilities and significant risk factors that may require further consideration in connection with the transaction.

With our due diligence advisory service, our clients can make informed decisions about potential investments or acquisitions while being aware of the financial risks and opportunities.

What is included in our financial due diligence service?

  • Our main objectives include the identification of key value drivers, sustainable earnings levels, potential debt items and other areas that could impact the value of the company under review.
  • Assessing the risks involved in the transaction and proposing strategies to prepare for them.
  • Providing tailored advice and recommendations to achieve the acquisition objectives, including risk management and optimisation.