• Grant Thornton in Hungary
          • The key to success is a partner with comprehensive knowledge and many years of experience. Our ambition is to serve dynamic organizations and we understand ourselves as specialists for the Central European region.

            Being a member firm of Grant Thornton enables us to represent the interests of our clients even outside of Central Europe. We think that the key to success is to have partners with comprehensive knowledge and many years of experience.

            Our consultants are specialists for the Central European region and our firm has strong links with Grant Thornton member firms in the region.

            Over the past years, Grant Thornton has built a strong position on the Hungarian market as a provider accounting, payroll, valuation and Corporate Finance services.

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    • Audit & Assurance
          • Audit & Assurance

            • Mandatory audits and voluntary audits of single-entity and consolidated financial statements
            • Obligatory and voluntary audits of annual financial statements and group financial statements
            • Audits of foundations
            • Due diligence audits
            • Audits pursuant to capital market law (listing prospectuses and investment fund annual reports)
            • High Level Reviews
            • Agreed upon procedures
            • Special audits (company transformations, mergers, special audits according to stock corporation law, etc.)
            • Accounting audits and management audits, especially as auditors of associations
            • Audits for fraud detection
    • Tax consultancy
    • Tax compliance
    • Accounting
          • Accounting

            • Journal entry of ongoing business transactions and computer-based record-keeping
            • Compilation of regular analysis reports and information on business development
            • Preparation of single-entity financial statements, notes to financial statements and drafting assistance for the report of the management board
            • Preparation of tax returns
            • Notifications to the Companies Register and other public authorities
    • Payroll
          • Payroll

            • Full-scale payroll services, calculation of salaries, taxes and contributions to be paid
            • Management of payroll reports, online sending of pay slips to employees, with password protection
            • Preparation and filing of data disclosures, returns and notifications to the authorities
            • Administration of new and leaving employees
            • Monitoring and administration of leaves and other absences
            • Preparation of employer’s certificates, tax certificates
            • Administration of terminations of employment, resignations, dismissals
            • Salary payments by bank transfer
            • Completion of tax and social security transfer orders
            • Social security benefit claims and administration
            • Performance of social security paying agent duties
            • Representation before the authorities in case of audits
            • Preparing reports
            • Payroll and employment administration advisory service
    • Strategic consultancy

            • Corporate governance by owner model
            • Succession management, generational change
            • CEO consulting
            • Creation of corporate strategy
            • Developing effective, collaborative, visible management
            • Development of sales organisations
            • Business mentoring for middle and senior managers
            • Interim management
            • Consultancy in case of planned outsourcing
            • Subsidies related to company formation
            • Business plans and feasibility studies
            • Consultancy and support prior to negotiations with banks
    • Transaction advisory service
          • Corporate Finance

            • Mergers, acquistions (sale side and purchase side Consulting)
            • Organization of tenders
            • Set up transaction structures
            • Due diligence
            • Project, debt and equity financing
            • Valuation services
            • Public and private capital market transactions (ECM, DCM)
    • Human capital services
    • Valuation
          • Financial Valuations:

            • Company valuation
            • Valuation of intangible assets (know-how, brand name, licence, technology, software, etc.)
            • Business planning
            • Market modelling
            • Capitalization rate structuring
            • Purchase price allocation
            • Impairment testing (IFRS, US GAAP)
            • AMADEUS database research and benchmark studies for transfer pricing
          • Fixed Asset Valuation:

            • Real estate valuation
            • Machinery and equipment valuation
            • Collateral valuation
            • Independent technical advisory
            • Feasibility studies
            • Technical due diligence
            • Valuation for insurance purposes
            • Remaining life estimation
    • Controlling and management reporting
          • Controlling

            • Interim financial management
            • Reviewing of financial systems and processes
            • Design, implementation and operation of controlling and reporting systems
            • Management of the introduction of business intelligence (BI) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems
    • Accounting and Tax automation
    • Transfer Pricing Advisory
          • Transfer Pricing Advisory

            • Transfer pricing advisory
            • Preparation of transfer pricing documentation
    • Whistleblowing
          • Whistleblowing

    • NIS2 consultancy
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          • Build your career at Grant Thornton

            As a dynamic and growth-oriented company, we offer excellent career opportunities in an international environment.

            We welcome applications by both career-starter and experienced candidates in the following areas: tax consultancy, auditing, accounting and payroll, corporate consultancy, corporate finance and asset valuation.

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Advantages of OSS Registration for Services

Our previous newsletter on the European Union’s e-commerce package explained in detail the rules on intra-Community distance sales to non-taxable persons. However, changes effective from 1 July 2021 will have a significant impact on the VAT treatment of certain supplies of services, so highlighting the options available in this regard is essential.

In the light of the changes, we would like to provide an overview of the new rules and the options available to Hungarian businesses that provide services to non-VAT registered consumers, that is, typically individuals, in other member states of the European Community.

MOSS scheme extension – Who could be affected?

The new One Stop Shop (OSS) scheme is the successor to the MOSS (Mini One Stop Shop), which has been in operation since 2015, in which both the taxpayer and transactional areas have been expanded. The former MOSS scheme offered an efficient one-stop shop for services that could be provided remotely or electronically (i.e. telecommunications, radio and television broadcasting or electronic services such as software, music or films online or via downloads) to non-taxable persons (e.g. individuals).

With the introduction of the OSS, the possibility of simplified administration has been extended beyond the range of the services mentioned above to certain types of services provided to non-taxable persons in other EU Member States. Such services supplied to non-taxable persons may include services relating to immovable property situated in another Member State (specific property planning, property valuation, property brokerage), offline education and training performed in another Member State, the organization of events (e.g. weddings, exhibitions, shows) in another Member State, the transport of passengers or goods in another Member State. It is essential to note that the use of the OSS scheme is not compulsory, it is merely an option.

The purpose of this newsletter is to show what choosing the OSS means for Hungarian taxpayers in relation to the provision of services.

Tax options

The services in question supplied intra-Community to a non-taxable person can be taxed in three ways. The tax options are essentially differentiated by the place where the transaction is carried out, which can either be in Hungary or in another EU Member State. However, depending on the annual amount of the consideration for the specified transactions and the choice of the supplier of the service, there are in fact three different tax treatments:

  1. Performance in Hungary

It is important to point out that the first taxation method may be subject to a threshold, but this only applies to services that can be supplied at a distance and electronically to other Member States and does not cover other types of services provided to EU customers. A taxable person (combined with intra-Community distance supplies) below the annual threshold of EUR 10,000 (HUF 3,139,600) may choose to apply the general rules of the Hungarian VAT Act (provided that they have a VAT establishment only in Hungary and their customers are non-taxable persons in other Member States). In other words, the Provider assesses the VAT under Hungarian rules, issues the invoice under Hungarian rules and reports the transaction in its Hungarian VAT return. This is more advantageous from an administrative point of view, but given the high Hungarian VAT rate, it may be disadvantageous in terms of price competition.

  1. Performance in another EU Member State

For the next two taxation method, the place of performance of the transactions will not be Hungary, but in both cases will be shifted to another EU member state, according to the country of destination principle, for which the OSS scheme is an available option. The transactions concerned in these cases can be divided into two groups. On the one hand, these include services which can be supplied at a distance and services supplied by electronic means, for which the country of destination principle is mandatory (combined with intra-Community distance supplies) above the annual threshold of EUR 10,000 (HUF 3,139,600) and optional if this threshold is not reached. On the other hand, this also includes other types of special services (e.g. services related to immovable property, offline training in another Member State, etc.) provided to non-taxable customers in the EU, as mentioned above, where the country of destination principle is mandatory. It is important to note that the taxpayer is bound by their choice (taxation by country of destination or OSS scheme) until the end of the second year following the year of the decision .

2.1 The supplier of the service must establish and maintain a VAT registration in the country of destination and issue invoices and receipts according to the invoicing rules of that country. This can entail a heavy administrative burden and cost. The advantage is that no payment of Hungarian VAT is necessary  and, given that the standard VAT rate in Hungary is the highest in the EU, the gross value of the product may be lower. Overall, this taxation method is recommended when the company has other transactions that justify maintaining foreign VAT registration.

2.2 The taxpayer can also opt for taxation by country of destination through the OSS scheme. In this case, the tax is still payable according to the rules of the Member State of the customer (the VAT rate of the Member State of destination applies), but in the case of OSS registration, the VAT on the supply of services to all Member States must be declared and paid in the Member State where the taxable person is registered in the OSS system (in this case Hungary). However, please note that VAT obligations can only be fulfilled through the one-stop shop scheme in a Member State where the taxable person supplying the service is not established for VAT purposes. The return must be submitted electronically via the OSS portal and the Hungarian tax authority will transfer the tax declared and paid to it via the OSS interface to the tax authorities of the destination countries.

Advantages of OSS registration

  • Reduced administrative burden:
    • There is no need for VAT registration and administration in every country of destination where services are supplied.
    • A single VAT return can be used to fulfil the VAT return obligation for all destination countries where the taxable person is not established for VAT purposes. No need to complete and submit VAT returns in several Member States, using several different methods and several different forms.
    • Not every invoice or receipt has to be issued according to the rules of a different country. Invoicing must be done according to the rules of the country of OSS registration.
  • Reduced costs:
    • It is not necessary to appoint a tax expert for each Member State concerned. It is sufficient to seek professional assistance in the Member State of OSS registration.
    • VAT can be paid by a single bank transfer to the authority of the Member State of OSS registration, no more separate bank transfers to the authorities of each destination country and no more potential fees for them.
  • Increased competitiveness:
    • The VAT rate of the country of destination always applies, so the high Hungarian VAT rate should not put the distance seller at a competitive disadvantage compared to local businesses.

Which taxation method should you choose?

Above, we have provided a general overview of the different types of taxation that arise and their specificities. However, the best choice for a particular company should always be decided on the basis of the specific characteristics of the transaction. Our tax team will be pleased to assist you in determining the most advantageous tax treatment for your company and in its implementation.

Related Services

Complex tax consultancy

We offer a complex consultancy service for companies looking for “generalist” tax consultants who can support their organisation.

Flat-rate tax consultancy

Clients who choose our flat-fee service have access to the support and advice of our team, which is always available, at a predictable cost.

Tax compliance

The outsourcing of taxation tasks is always custom-tailored to the specific needs of our clients.

Tax consultancy

We offer solutions tailored to our clients’ specific needs and business objectives, as well as solutions optimised for industry specificities.

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